Ucumari Regional Natural Park
It is a heavy forest, home to a rich ecosystem watered by the Otun River. We can walk there, camp, swim, breath in the fresh air coming from the Andes, and spot a great variety of birds and monkeys, especially screaming monkeys. We can sleep there; nights are cool as it is high up in altitude, so we all gather around the fire. A big waterfall is just nearby, and the path follows to the Otun Lagoon (altitude 4000m), passing by Pastora and El Jordan, at the heart of NNP Los Nevados…Surely one of the most beautiful sight of Columbia. But it takes 2 days of walking to get there and 1 day back on the same side; or another 2 days to join the Cocora valley. It is worth it, magnificent, and the best way to be impregnated by nature. You are almost certain to see mountain tapirs, variety of birds, screaming monkeys, toucans, loro orejiamaarillo parrots, condors….
Altitude from 1800m to 2500m